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July 09, 2007 05:28 AM UTC

The Special Forces Officer does what the Air Force General should and won't run in Col. 5th CD

  • by: CD-5 Line

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Don Bendel, a former Special Forces Officer, makes the following report in a guest editorial in today’s Pueblo Chieftan, where, among other things, he strongly encourages Jeff Crank to run against Doug Lamborn.

“If I were to run in this election, Jeff Crank and I both would lose the primary. It happened in spades in 2006 when Crank won the nominating assembly with 46 percent of the vote and Lamborn had 40 percent. When four men petitioned onto the August primary card, it was like sticking a siphon hose into a small fuel tank. Mr. Lamborn was the recipient of everyone else’s folly.”

Bendel goes on to say that, “Jeff Crank . . . has the only machine powerful enough to provide any chance for a Republican to beat the incumbent in 2008.”

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice but expecting different results.  On that basis, it looks like Bentley Rayburn is insane.  He’s going to petition on the ballot again in 2008. His narcissistic personality is playing right into Doug Lamborn’s hands with Chuck Gosnell’s close friend, Will Perkins encouraging Rayburn to run.  Rayburn is intent on sticking that siphon hose into the small fuel tank–and make Lamborn the recipient of his folly once again.

If Jeff Crank decides not to primary Doug Lamborn, the ONLY way Rayburn could pull it together to beat Lamborn is to have Crank’s support.  Until Jeff Crank announces one way or the other his plans on running for the 5th CD, Rayburn needs to stick that hose into his mouth, keep it shut, and then hope Crank doesn’t run.  Assuming Crank declares his intention to run, if Rayburn does petition on the ballot again, someone needs to take that hose and put it some place less comfortable to Rayburn.  We need this to be a two man primary and a two man primary only. 


26 thoughts on “The Special Forces Officer does what the Air Force General should and won’t run in Col. 5th CD

    1. And many Republicans can appreciate the incredulity of Jay Fawcett’s supporters that we effectively elected Lamborn to Congress upon his winning the Republican primary.  I maintain that rather than the bitterness and rancor that is directed toward Republicans by the loyal opposition, i.e., the Democrats in general in the 5th CD as a result of our folly, that the better approach to take is to recognize that the 5th CD is not going to elect a Democrat for a foreseeably long time. On that basis, I would suggest that it is in our collective best interests, whether as Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party, or independent citizens, to elect someone–anyone–other than Doug Lamborn to Congress.  And, the only way that’s going to happen is for the winner of the Republican primary to be someone other than Doug Lamborn.  And, the only way that’s going to happen for certain is for there to be a two man primary with Jeff Crank pitted against Doug Lamborn.  Rayburn cannot get the job done in a 3 man race and, he’s likely to cost Crank the primary if Crank does declare.  So, yes, I understand why Democrats would want to beat us about the head, neck, and shoulders for electing Lamborn; however, what REALISTIC solution is there for any of us that’s better than Lamborn unless it be to elect someone like Jeff Crank, even if he is not the man that the Democrats would want?  I am sure there are Colorado Democrats in leadership positions, in elected positions, who pay attention and recognize that the 5th CD cannot do worse than Doug Lamborn and that the 5th CD can do better with a different Republican Congressman.  I would encourage those leaders of any party who may come across this kind of a blog to think about what is at hand and to encourage their contacts in the “old” as well as the “new” media to report on the considerable failures of Doug Lamborn and help us rid the 5th CD of his blight upon our district.  And, we’re not likely to get that job done–as Don Bendel has wisely observed–if there’s a 3 or more man Republican primary.  Bentley Rayburn’s problem is his overpowering ego is such that he’ll petition on the ballot again, and, once again, prevent the 5th CD from sending someone better than Doug Lamborn to Washington.  Failure to turn Lamborn out in 2008 means Lamborn has a sinecure–he’ll be in Congress until he voluntarily quits–a sad 20+ years when he’ll be the representative of all citizens in the 5th CD.  And, that’s what Bentley Rayburn is going to “reward” us with again if Jeff Crank and he are both on the primary ballot with Lamborn. That thought is repugnant and reprehensible.

      1. …as a member of your Loyal Opposition (living in a different district) you’re right.  And when you’re right you’re right.  Go Crank!

  1. CD-5 has one of the worst representatives in Congress and he’s ranked at almost the very bottom on his influential abilities and we are discussing whether or not he’s staying.

    Any other district in the Nation would (after the laughter died down) admit their horrible mistake and move on.  But we’re stuck talking about how he might stay in office if just one or two individuals do or don’t run against him in the primary.

    Is the CD-5 that ignorant?

    1. the citizens of CD-5 voted in an idiotic loser like Doug Lamborn when they had the opportunity to elect an intelligent, veteran of the Gulf war, moderate and fair man like Jay Fawcett speaks volumes.

      The same people that gave our country to an idiot like Bush gave our district to an idiot like Lamborn…they are two peas in a pathetic vacuous pod. 

      So yea, CD-5 is that ignorant.

      1. That the Gulf War veteran, intelligent, moderate and fair man is also a Democrat.  **Newsflash** CD-5 is a Republican district.  Do you really think people voted for Lamborn?  I sure as hell didn’t.  I voted against Nancy Pelosi and the national Dems.  That’s why at one point, polls were showing that the race was even/close.  But when all the Republicans here saw that it was a real possibility that a Dem would be elected, they circled the wagons and voted Republican.

        You can stack that as ignorance if you want, but in my opinion, that just shows your ignorance.  What it does show is just how unpopular Dems are in CD-5, and I suspect that that fact is the source of most of your frustration.

        1. I don’t know what the supposed bugaboo of a Democratic Congress is supposed to do, especially if you’re already pretty sure that Democratic Congress will exist anyway.  You traded an intelligent voice that would have had the ear of the majority for, well… for Doug Lamborn.

          If you don’t think that a voice like Fawcett’s would have been heard, look at Sen. Webb.

          1. But I think that a lot of Republicans either held their nose voting for some people (Lamborn, that guy who came scary close to winning re-election that choked his mistress)just to vote against Dems, while others stayed home.  I guess it’s the difference between passive and active resistance.  Or the principal of the matter. 

            Either way, trying to get people to vote against something or someone is easier than getting people to vote for something or someone.  There were plenty of incumbents defeated through the years because they had the mantle of an un-popular leader hung around their neck.  Reps have done it through Kennedy, Reid, and will try with Pelosi, and Dems have done it with Bush and Gingrich.

            I don’t think it was any slight against Fawcett, whom I’m sure is a decent guy.  I think that people here in 5 stuck to their Republican guns in part because they felt that a vote for Fawcett was a vote for Pelosi.

            Plus, 5 is heavily Republican.  What kind of Dem could really represent the values here and still call themselves a Dem with a straight face?

            1. No politician is going to agree with you 100% on anything.  I’d vote for the right Republican, and I’d hope the people in CD-5 would vote for a good Democrat.  I guess we’re just not there yet.

              1. Pro-abortion?  November was a little while ago, I can’t recall off the top of my head all of his specific policy stances, but I remember thinking he wasn’t any sort of “blue dog” Dem.  He’d have to be very conservative to represent this district’s values.  Sure, you find a pol that you agree with 100% of the time, but just like the average Rep wouldn’t represent D-1’s values, the average Dem wouldn’t represent d-5’s, no matter how good of a person they are.

                1. Fawcett is PRO CHOICE.

                  You see, there is a difference.  The right for a person to make a choice about their beliefs, their bodies.

                  That is what freedom is supposed to be…..

            2. in America group-think for values is pretty damned scary.

              I still find it laughable that people use Pelosi as an excuse for their utter ignorance, voting for a man who announces he wanted to be “God’s messenger”.

              Pelosi, scares people because why?  She is from San Francisco.  HINT: She grew up in Baltimore, in an Italian Catholic family,  (hardly a bastion of liberalism). 

              But then the people of CD -5 think that Bush deserved to be president; a man who would NOT serve his country, a man who robbed citizens of TX, a fool who likes to PRETEND he was a military man with a vice-president who was the biggest draft dodger of all.  CD-5, a district that supposedly supports the military proved themselves to be as hypocritical as humanly possible when they voted for another chickenhawk over Jay.  All the “Pelosi” excuses in the world won’t change that.

              I may not think like conservatives of CD-5 but gee, I was under the impression that in American one was allowed to think differently, act differently.  I was taught that freedom meant….FREEDOM.  And I do not get how voting for an incompetent rather than voting for a decent intelligent man to represent us can ever be considered the American thing to do.  CD-5 voters have truly embarrassed themselves in the worst possible way.

              1. “I still find it laughable that people use Pelosi as an excuse for their utter ignorance, voting for a man who announces he wanted to be ‘God’s messenger'”

                Really?  Did you find it laughable when Dems used Gingrich as a lighting rod in 1998?  You want to know why Pelosi scares people?  It isn’t because she’s “from” San Fransico, but she has San Fransico values.  Is it really that hard to understand that a vote for Fawcett would also be a vote for Nancy Pelosi’s San Fransico values?  And that a Republican district would have a hard time swallowing that? 

                While you’re at it, would you care to explain how that is somehow limiting your freedom and liberties of thought and experession?

                But while you’re thinking about that, let me try and explain to you why voting for an incompetent man is the “American thing to do”.  In a good person contest, I would have voted for Fawcett over Lamborn in a heart beat.  I didn’t know much about Lamborn before he ran, and I liked him.  But he ran the sleaziest campaign I’ve seen in a long time, and my view of him changed quick.  But elections aren’t about who’s the “nicest guy”.  They’re about values.  So unless Fawcett is pro-Iraq war, anti-abortion, pro-tax cuts, yada yada yada, his values don’t represent the district, no matter how nice he is.

                Lamborn is a dolt, and he should go.  That’s why I support Crank.  But all the niceness in the world isn’t enough to get me to vote counter to my values-values that would be advanced by Fawcett’s party, if not by Fawcett himself.

                Voting for your values IS the American thing to do.

                1. seem to think it is all about shoving their values down the throats of everyone else.

                  Hmmmm,  at one time, the land of the free was about respecting the rights of everyone to their own beliefs.  Of course there are places in the world where those in charge believe that THEIR values are the only acceptable ones…

                  The CD-5 mentality fits well over there.

                  1. Don’t pretend that your side doesn’t do that too.  Both sides have done equal amounts of trying to push values down the other’s throats.

                    Or are you too much of a hyper-partisan to admit that?

                    1. Working  the right to think, believe, and dress as you wish, I thought was what democracy was about.

                      At one time there were even some republicans who believed that your religious, spiritual decisions were NOT to be decided by the government.  At one time, some conservatives believe in the right to privacy.

                      I totally find your “Yea but…..you do the same…” to be nothing more than the same disingenuous straw man arguments conservatives have been using since the 80s.
                      They are as hypocritical now as they were then.

                      I have never myself, nor have I ever known ONE progressive who told any conservative that they should NOT go to the church, synagogue or mosque of their choice.  Never known a progressive to condemn another to infinite misery because of the way they look, the way they dress or the music they listen to. 

                      Yes, there are many in this world trying to shove their beliefs down the throats of others, from this administration to the evangelical Christians, orthodox Jews and extreme Muslim leaders.  But none of them would ever be considered liberal, open minded or progressive.

                    2. Yeah, communists never tried to shove their beliefs down anyone’s throats.  Did you ever hear about the Cold War?  Stalin?  Pol Pot? Look at them and tell me liberal extremists didn’t try and push their views down anyone’s throats.

                      You think that “your side did it too” is a straw man?  Too bad, because it’s not.  It’s a test.  If you can decry those on your side who have done the same things that you are upset at my side for doing, I will listen.  If not, you’re hyper-partisan and I’ll won’t take anything you say seriously because I’ll have a hard time taking you credibly.  To trash one side while overlooking the faults of yours is the real “straw man”.  Hopefully you understand that.

                      If you would like to have a dicussion about your views and what not, fine.  I can’t wait to talk to ya.  But if you’re going to spew hyper-partisan crap, have fun.

                  2. “at one time, the land of the free was about respecting the rights of everyone to their own beliefs.”

                    Because the radical Whiggery of the Revolution was *all* about respecting the Tories’ beliefs…  And the Union was *all* about respecting the Confederacy’s beliefs… 

                    Heck, when you look at those two examples, “respecting” the wrong side’s beliefs made things even more disastrous than they could have been.

                    In a free country, you have a right to your opinion, and I have a right to call it wrong – though it means more when I back that up.  That hardly makes me a tyrant.  It actually makes us equals.

        2. too many of the republicans of CD-5 are close minded, and have, at best, tunnel vision, and are waiting for Jesus to come to their city and save them from the evils of freedom and democracy

          Their fear of women in power, their fear of people who look and think differently, their fear of a society where everyone matters still is the MO for the CD-5 majority.  Sad but true.

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